Countrywide Internet Regulatory Compliance

Solution Brief

Keep your users safe

Governments are struggling to control the internet content within their country. They are losing revenue from illegal online activity and there are increasing risks to public safety from cyber-attacks and the spread of harmful content on social media channels.

Illegal online gambling is on the rise and the new digital economy continues to challenge governments with lost tax remittance. From online media and music streaming, to taxation on rideshare providers and hotel services, government tax authorities continue to be challenged to regulate ecommerce activities within their boundaries.

Governments also facing increased pressure from their citizens and the world to combat the online publishing of cyberbullying, extreme shooting videos, and fake news that is now spreading unchecked across social media and other platforms.

Piracy, scams, hacking, cyber-attacks, infected links, and child exploitation cases are all on the rise.

Terrorists have increasingly turned to the internet to use it as a recruitment tool and training ground.

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New challenges and threats demand new solutions

The world is changing. Governments and technology leaders want to take back control. Netsweeper is uniquely positioned to help countries meet this challenge head on.

To learn more how Netsweeper’s country-wide filtering solution can enforce your laws on the internet, download our solution brief today.